SineC Posted September 23, 2022 Share Posted September 23, 2022 (edited) Hi, Just sharing a script i'm working on... to get some feed back? It's a big script(inject javascript F12) to just do a small martingale bet system. But where you just put in the amount you want to lose ^^ and the lose streak max... with the multiplier. And the script will calc the best 'baseBet'. With some lil option to reset seed. var resetActive = 1; var testingMode = 0; var infoToShow = 1; function CDAuto(){ var myCurrentSeed = "0"; getSeed(1).then((resu) => { myCurrentSeed = resu;}); var myNextSeed = "0"; getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); var myNextId = "0"; getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); this.stopped = true; this.checkReset = 0; var maxLose = 0; var loseInfo = []; var checkHunAfter = [0]; var checkHunFound = true; var maxPayout = [0]; var logPayout = [ [2,0,0,22], [3,0,0,29], [4,0,0,38], [5,0,0,54], [6,0,0,54], [7,0,0,54], [8,0,0,54], [9,0,0,54], [10,0,0,138], [15,0,0,1005], [20,0,0,1005], [25,0,0,1005], [30,0,0,1005], [50,0,0,1005], [80,0,0,1005], [99,0,0,1005], [120,0,0,1005], [180,0,0,1225] ]; var payoutSelect = [ [2,2.2,22,15], [3,1.6,30,3000], [5,1.25,60,500], [10,1.125,100,750], [120,1.0086,1000,10] ]; //variable semi-setup this.resetSet = (levelRes) => { if(levelRes == 3){ //set with Array of diffrent values?? this.randSel = rand( 0, payoutSelect.lenght, randSel);//A random select from payouts Array this.nextBetSwap = rand( 0,payoutSelect[this.randSel][3]); this.payLoud = payoutSelect[this.randSel][0]; this.multiplier = payoutSelect[this.randSel][1]; this.numLosin = payoutSelect[this.randSel][2]; this.baseBet = getStartBet(originalbalance, this.multiplier, this.numLosin, this.payLoud); } if(levelRes == 2){ this.actResetSeed = true; this.stopped = false; this.tostopped = false; this.betNum = 0; this.loseStop = 0; loseInfo = []; this.resetSeed = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#resetSeed').value); this.stopWin = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#stoppinwin').value); runningbalance = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#betamount').value); originalbalance = runningbalance; this.payLoud = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#payoutR').value); this.multiplier = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#multiplier').value); this.numLosin = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value); this.baseBet = getStartBet(originalbalance, this.multiplier, this.numLosin, this.payLoud); if(this.baseBet == "low"){ console.log('Sorry bet seems too low...'); this.stop(); } else if(this.baseBet == "multi"){ console.log('Sorry multiplier seems too low'); this.stop(); } } if(levelRes >= 1){ maxLose = -this.baseBet; this.loseCount = 1; this.currentBet = this.baseBet; lbg.payout = this.payLoud; } } //game win or lose option this.resolveBet = (betlog) => { this.betNum += (1); runningbalance += betlog.profitAmount; this.logInfo("numbets","val"); this.servNonce = betlog.nonce; this.gamePayout = (betlog.gameValue/100); if(infoToShow != 1){ checkPayout(this.gamePayout,logPayout);} if(maxPayout[0] <= this.gamePayout){ maxPayout=[this.gamePayout,this.servNonce,this.betNum];} if(this.gamePayout >= 120 && checkHunFound == false){ checkHunAfter.push("\nN: "+checkHunAfter[0]+" Ne: "+this.servNonce+" Val: "+this.gamePayout+" ID: "+myNextId); checkHunFound = true;} if((this.servNonce-10) == this.resetSeed){ getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); } // if win if (betlog.winAmount > 0) { if(this.servNonce >= this.resetSeed){ this.actResetSeed = true;} loseInfo.push([this.loseCount,Math.abs(maxLose),this.currentBet,lbg.payout,this.gamePayout]); if(this.tostopped == true){ this.logInfo("bigwins","val"); } else { this.logInfo("wins","val"); } this.resetSet(1); // if lose } else { lbg.payout = this.payLoud; this.currentBet = this.currentBet * this.multiplier; this.loseCount += (1); maxLose += -this.currentBet; if(Math.abs(maxLose) >= originalbalance){ this.logInfo("lose","val"); } } if (this.actResetSeed == true && resetActive == 1) { if(this.servNonce >= 10){ DoSeedChange(myNextSeed, "Limbo", myNextId); getSeed(1).then((resu) => { myCurrentSeed = resu;}); sleep(1000); } else { checkHunAfter[0] += (1); checkHunFound = false; this.actResetSeed = false; getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); } } } this.cplay = () => { if(!this.stopped){ .then(() => { this.cplay();}) .catch((errorBet) => { if(errorBet == "Error: Amount invalid"){console.log("WOWOWOW way too lowww");this.stop();} else if(errorBet == "Error: system_error"){console.log("Low option, maybe to low amount or multiplier");this.stop();} else{console.log("Betting ERROR :\n"+errorBet+"\nWill try to continue....");} this.cplay(); }); } } this.start = () => { console.log('Getting BaseBet...'); this.resetSet(2); console.log('Bet starting....'); = 'none'; = ''; = ''; if(testingMode == 1){ var vTestInfo = 'Settings Value('+this.multiplier+'x) '+this.payLoud+'('+this.numLosin+'):'+this.baseBet+'\n'; for (let j = 0; j < (payoutSelect.length); j++) { vTestInfo += 'Value for '+payoutSelect[j][0]+':'+getStartBet(originalbalance, payoutSelect[j][1], payoutSelect[j][2], payoutSelect[j][0])+'\n'; } console.log(vTestInfo); this.stop(); } else { setTimeout(this.cplay(),2000); } } this.stop = () => { = ''; = 'none'; = 'none'; this.stopped = true; } this.nextstop = () => { = 'none'; this.tostopped = true } //info print func this.logInfo = (style,val) => { var netNumber = runningbalance - originalbalance; var netPecentage = (netNumber / originalbalance) * 100; if(netPecentage >= this.stopWin){ style="bigwins";} var loseInfo_s = sortByColumn(loseInfo, 0); var sortCount = loseInfo_s.length-1; if(style == 'numbets'){ if(infoToShow >= 2){ if((this.betNum % 10 == 0 && infoToShow == 2) || this.betNum == 1){ console.log('Bet#'+this.betNum+'/'+this.loseCount+': '+clean_output(this.currentBet,3)+" * "+clean_output(lbg.payout),3); } else if(infoToShow == 3){ console.log('Bet#'+this.betNum+'/'+this.loseCount+': '+clean_output(this.currentBet,3)+" * "+clean_output(lbg.payout,3)+' ('+clean_output(Math.abs(maxLose),3)+') - '+this.gamePayout); } } } else { var consoleText = '---Win '+loseInfo.length+' After '+this.betNum+' Bets Info---\n'; if(infoToShow >= 1){ consoleText += 'BaseBet: ' +clean_output(this.baseBet,3)+ ' InPlay: '+originalbalance+'\n'; consoleText += 'Profit: '+clean_output(netPecentage,3)+'% - '+clean_output(netNumber,3)+ '\n'; } if(infoToShow >= 2){ consoleText += 'Last Losing Streak: ' + this.loseCount + ' Cost: '+ clean_output(Math.abs(maxLose),3) +'\n' ; consoleText += 'Highest Losing Streak: ' + clean_output(loseInfo[getMax(loseInfo,0,"max")][0],3) + ' Cost: '+ clean_output(loseInfo[getMax(loseInfo,4,"max")][1],3) +'\n'; } if(infoToShow >= 3){ var numTimeInf = 10; if(loseInfo_s.length >= numTimeInf){ var tmpCount = numTimeInf;} else { var tmpCount = loseInfo_s.length;} var consoleTextMore = '--- '+tmpCount+' Biggest Streak ---\n'; for (var i = 0; i < tmpCount; i++) { consoleTextMore += '#'+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][0],3)+': '+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][1],3)+' = '+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][2],3)+'x'+ clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][3],3)+'('+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][4],3)+')\n'; } consoleText += consoleTextMore; if(loseInfo.length >= 100) { consoleText += averageLose(loseInfo,"Lose Streaks");} else { consoleText += '---More Info After 100('+loseInfo.length+')wins---\n';} if(this.betNum >= 5000) { consoleText += infoPayout(logPayout,"Payouts Info");} else { consoleText += '---More Info After More Bets('+this.betNum+')---\n';} consoleText += "\nCheck 120("+(checkHunAfter.length-1)+"):"+checkHunAfter[0]+"("+this.servNonce+")"; consoleText += "\nmaxPayout:"+maxPayout+" "; } if(style=='bigwins'){ consoleText += "\nCheck:"+checkHunAfter; console.log(consoleText+'\nWining so it stoped'); this.stop(); } else if(style == 'lose'){ console.log(consoleText+'\nBig LOSE so it stoped'); this.stop(); } else { console.log(consoleText);} } } //layout(<div> replacement) part const htmlToElement = function (html) { let template = document.createElement('template'); html = html.trim(); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; } //layout remove part document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > button > div.label').innerHTML='Script'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > .game-coininput').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 >').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div >').style.display='none'; //layout add part this.prevOpt = (view) => { if(document.getElementById('prevHoldR').style.display == "none"){ = '';} else{ = 'none';} } var TxtHold = 'height: 80%; width: 23.75rem; position: absolute; background-color: #131416; padding-left: 10px; overflow-y: scroll;'; var TxtHold2 = '<div class="line" style="margin: 1rem .75rem 0;color: var(--primary-color);">More Options</div><div class="wrappin" style="width:95%;">'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Stop on Win %</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="15" id="stoppinwin"></div></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">When to reset seed</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="2000" id="resetSeed">'+ '<div class="button-group"><button onclick="resetOnOff(0);" id="resetSeedON" style="background:#5b6787;">ON</button><button onclick="resetOnOff(1);" id="resetSeedOFF">OFF</button></div></div></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="input-label" style="margin-top:15px;margin-left:15px;">Info Select</div><div class="button-group">'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(1);" id="info1" style="background:#5b6787;">Min</button>'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(2);" id="info2">Norm</button>'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(3);" id="info3">All</button></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="input-label" style="margin-top:15px;margin-left:15px;">Test Mode</div><div class="button-group">'+ '<button onclick="testingOnOff(0);" id="testingON">ON</button>'+ '<button onclick="testingOnOff(1);" id="testingOFF" style="background:#5b6787;">OFF</button></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<br></div>'; this.previwPage = htmlToElement('<div class="preview-inner-wrap" style="'+TxtHold+'" id="prevHoldR">'+TxtHold2+'</div>'); var chPlayInButtons = ''; chPlayInButtons += '<div class="button-group">'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(0);">ALL</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(2);">1/2</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(3);">1/3</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '</div>'; var defaultButtons = ''; defaultButtons += '<div class="button-group">'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(1);">1</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(2);">2</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(3);">3</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(4);">4</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(5);">5</button>'; defaultButtons += '</div>'; this.tmpCal = ss.wallet.dict[ss.wallet.current].amount; this.justLine1 = htmlToElement('<div class="line" style="margin: 1rem .75rem 0;color: var(--primary-color);">Auto Settings</div>'); this.funding = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">In Play</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="'+this.tmpCal+'" id="betamount">'+chPlayInButtons+'</div></div>'); this.multiDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Multiplier</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="1.009" id="multiplier"></div></div>'); this.payoutDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label"><div class="label">Payout</div><div class="label-amount">Defaults</div></div>'+ '<div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="120" id="payoutR">'+defaultButtons+'</div></div>'); this.numloseDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Numbers of Lose</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="1400" id="losingnumb"></div></div>'); this.startButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic start-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Start Auto</div></button>'); this.stopButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic2 stop-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Stop Auto</div></button>'); this.stopNext = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic stop-next" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Stop Next Win</div></button>'); this.moreOpt = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-normal more-opt" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">More Options</div></button>'); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; //document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.justLine1); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.funding); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.payoutDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.multiDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.numloseDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.moreOpt); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.startButton); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.stopButton); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.stopNext); document.querySelector('').appendChild(this.previwPage); this.startButton.onclick = this.start; this.stopButton.onclick = this.stop; this.stopNext.onclick = this.nextstop; this.moreOpt.onclick = this.prevOpt; //function to seed reset async function getSeed(val1) { var nextSeedResult = await fetch("", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": null, "method": "GET", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); var currentSeed =; var nextSeedId =; if(val1 == 1){ return currentSeed.clientSeed; } else if(val1 == 2){ return nextSeedId.clientSeed; } else if(val1 == 3){ return nextSeedId.seedId; } else { await DoSeedChange(nextSeedId.clientSeed, "Limbo", nextSeedId.seedId); } } async function DoSeedChange(clientseed, gameName, nextSeedId) { fetch("", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "content-type": "application/json", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": "{\"clientSeed\":\""+ clientseed +"\",\"gameName\":\""+ gameName +"\",\"nextSeedId\":" + nextSeedId + "}", "method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); console.log('Reseting Seed...'); } } function infoFunc(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#info1'; var tmp2 = '#info2'; var tmp3 = '#info3'; infoToShow = 1; } else if(check == 2) { var tmp = '#info2'; var tmp2 = '#info1'; var tmp3 = '#info3'; infoToShow = 2; } else { var tmp = '#info3'; var tmp2 = '#info2'; var tmp3 = '#info1'; infoToShow = 3; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp3).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" } function testingOnOff(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#testingON'; var tmp2 = '#testingOFF'; testingMode = 0; } else { var tmp = '#testingOFF'; var tmp2 = '#testingON'; testingMode = 1; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" } function resetOnOff(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#resetSeedON'; var tmp2 = '#resetSeedOFF'; resetActive = 0; } else { var tmp = '#resetSeedOFF'; var tmp2 = '#resetSeedON'; resetActive = 1; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" } function changeInPlay(set){ var val = 0; if(set == 0){ val = ss.wallet.dict[ss.wallet.current].amount; } else if(set == 2){ val = clean_output(document.querySelector('#betamount').value/2,6); } else if(set == 3){ val = clean_output(document.querySelector('#betamount').value/3,6); } document.querySelector('#betamount').value = val; } function setdefaultV(set){ if(set == 1){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 2; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 2.2; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 23; } else if(set == 2){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 3; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.6; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 35; } else if(set == 3){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 5; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.25; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 60; } else if(set == 4){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 10; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.125; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 140; } else if(set == 5){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 120; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.009; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 1400; } } function clean_output(val,val2){ var tmp = (precision) => (nbr, _, __, powerOf10) => nbr === 0 ? 0 : ( powerOf10 = 10 ** (precision - Math .ceil (Math .log10 (Math .abs (nbr)))), Math .round (nbr * powerOf10) / powerOf10 ) var tmp2 = tmp(val2); return tmp2(val); } function rand( min, max, check){ if(isNaN(check)){ var txt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } else { do{ var txt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }while(txt==check) } return txt } function checkPayout(val1,val2){ for (var i = 0; i < val2.length; i++) { if(val1 >= val2[i][0]) { if(val2[i][1] >= val2[i][2]) { val2[i][2]=val2[i][1];} val2[i][1] = 0; } else { val2[i][1] += 1;} } } function getMax(val,val2,MinMax){ var sum = []; for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { sum.push(val[i][val2]); } if(MinMax == "max"){ var index = sum.indexOf(Math.max(...sum)); } else { var min = Math.min(...sum); var index = sum.indexOf(min); } return index; } function sortByColumn(a, colIndex){ a.sort(sortFunction); function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a[colIndex] === b[colIndex]) { return 0; } else { return (a[colIndex] < b[colIndex]) ? -1 : 1; } } return a; } function getCount(vArray,vArraySlot,vLow,vHigh,vStyle){ var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vArray.length; i++) { if(vStyle == "inbetween"){//check inbetween if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] >= vLow && vArray[i][vArraySlot] <= vHigh){ sum += 1;} } else if(vStyle == "higher") {//check all higher then low if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] >= vLow){ sum += 1;} } else if(vStyle == "lower") {//check all lower then high if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] <= vHigh){ sum += 1;} } } return sum; } function infoPayout(vArray,vTxt){ var tmpTxt = "--- "+vTxt+" ---\n"; for (var i = 0; i < vArray.length; i++) { tmpTxt += vArray[i][0]+':'+(vArray[i][2]+1)+' '; if(i % 6 == 0 && i != 0){ tmpTxt += "\n";} } tmpTxt += '\n'; return tmpTxt; } function averageLose(vArray,vTxt){ var min = vArray[getMax(vArray,0,"min")][0]; var max = vArray[getMax(vArray,0,"max")][0]; var numWin = vArray.lenght+1; var baseVal = max-min; var set1 = Math.floor(baseVal-(baseVal*(1-(5/100)))); var set2 = Math.floor(baseVal-(baseVal*(1-(10/100)))); var middel = Math.floor((min+max)/2); var set3 = numWin-(numWin*(1-(15/100))); var base1 = max; do{ base1 = base1-set2; var tmp = getCount(vArray,0,base1,max,"inbetween"); }while(tmp >= set3) var base2 = min; do{ base2 = base2+set2; var tmp = getCount(vArray,0,min,base2,"inbetween"); }while(tmp >= set3) var txtOut = "--- "+vTxt+" ---\n"; txtOut += "base1: "+base1+' base2: '+base2+"\n"; txtOut += base2+'-'+base1+':'+getCount(vArray,0,base2,base1,"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "middel: "+middel+"\n"; txtOut += min+'-'+max+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,max,"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "Min-Mid "+min+'-'+middel+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,middel,"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += "Min-Mid+15% "+min+'-'+Number(middel+(set2+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(middel+(set2+set1)),"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "Min-Max-15% "+min+'-'+Number(max-(set2+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(max-(set2+set1)),"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += "Min-Max-25% "+min+'-'+Number(max-((set2*2)+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(max-((set2*2)+set1)),"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += '+'+middel+':' +getCount(vArray,0,middel,0,"higher")+' '; txtOut += '-'+middel+':' +getCount(vArray,0,0,middel,"lower")+' '; txtOut += '-100:' +getCount(vArray,0,0,100,"lower")+'\n'; return txtOut; } function sleep(milliseconds) { const date =; let currentDate = null; do { currentDate =; } while (currentDate - date < milliseconds); } function getStartBet(vInPlay, vMulti, vLoses, vPayout){ var bet; var baseBet; var moneyPit; var DiffTest; var countX = 0; do { if (countX == 0) { bet = vInPlay * (0.00644/10000); baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; DiffTest = 2; } else { var tmpHold = (Math.abs(moneyPit-vInPlay)/moneyPit)*100; if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ var tmpRan = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((50+countX) - 25 + 1) + 25); tmpRan = countX%25; if(tmpHold >= 0.1){ bet = baseBet*(1-(tmpHold/100));} else { bet = baseBet*(1-(tmpRan/100));} baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; } else { if(tmpHold >= 0.1){ bet = baseBet*(1+((tmpHold/1.5)/100));} else { bet = baseBet*1.2;} baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; } } for (let j = 0; j < (vLoses-1); j++) { bet = bet * vMulti; moneyPit = moneyPit + bet; } if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ DiffTest=2;} else{ DiffTest = ((Math.abs(moneyPit-vInPlay))/((moneyPit+vInPlay)/2))*100;} countX++; if(vInPlay >= 10){ tmpRan = vInPlay/10;} else { tmpRan = vInPlay*10} } while ((DiffTest >= (1/(tmpRan)))&&(countX<=100)); do { if (isNaN(baseBet)) { return baseBet="bad_values"; } else { if(baseBet.toFixed(6) <= 0.0000001){ return baseBet="low";} bet = Number(baseBet.toFixed(8)); moneyPit = 0 + bet; for (let j = 0; j < (vLoses-1); j++) { var isLosin = (bet*vPayout)-(moneyPit); bet = bet * vMulti; moneyPit = moneyPit + bet; if(isLosin <= 0){ return baseBet="multi-low";} if(isLosin >= vInPlay){ return baseBet="multi-high";} } if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ baseBet=Number(baseBet.toFixed(8))-0.00000001;} } } while (moneyPit >= vInPlay); baseBet = Number(baseBet.toFixed(8)); if(baseBet.toFixed(6) <= 0.0000001){ return baseBet="low";} return baseBet; } const cdauto = new CDAuto(); I'm not a scripter... just for fun. So there is probably some changes to be made.... thus the share There are some 'default values' but not really the best values... should be safe... some multiplier or max lose can be changed for default values..... like i say work in progress Still working on the 'averageLose' function and the log info and lil this and that.... but the main part seem ok(calc baseBet). Again this is in work... and please play safe Any feedback is welcome.... have fun ps: for those none scripters... just load limbo(base page with 'Manual' options) -> F12(should pop the console) -> past code and bam good2go Edited September 23, 2022 by SineC 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Btxyjyiljwb Posted October 9, 2022 Share Posted October 9, 2022 On 9/23/2022 at 10:24 PM, SineC said: Hi, Just sharing a script i'm working on... to get some feed back? It's a big script(inject javascript F12) to just do a small martingale bet system. But where you just put in the amount you want to lose ^^ and the lose streak max... with the multiplier. And the script will calc the best 'baseBet'. With some lil option to reset seed. var resetActive = 1; var testingMode = 0; var infoToShow = 1; function CDAuto(){ var myCurrentSeed = "0"; getSeed(1).then((resu) => { myCurrentSeed = resu;}); var myNextSeed = "0"; getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); var myNextId = "0"; getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); this.stopped = true; this.checkReset = 0; var maxLose = 0; var loseInfo = []; var checkHunAfter = [0]; var checkHunFound = true; var maxPayout = [0]; var logPayout = [ [2,0,0,22], [3,0,0,29], [4,0,0,38], [5,0,0,54], [6,0,0,54], [7,0,0,54], [8,0,0,54], [9,0,0,54], [10,0,0,138], [15,0,0,1005], [20,0,0,1005], [25,0,0,1005], [30,0,0,1005], [50,0,0,1005], [80,0,0,1005], [99,0,0,1005], [120,0,0,1005], [180,0,0,1225] ]; var payoutSelect = [ [2,2.2,22,15], [3,1.6,30,3000], [5,1.25,60,500], [10,1.125,100,750], [120,1.0086,1000,10] ]; //variable semi-setup this.resetSet = (levelRes) => { if(levelRes == 3){ //set with Array of diffrent values?? this.randSel = rand( 0, payoutSelect.lenght, randSel);//A random select from payouts Array this.nextBetSwap = rand( 0,payoutSelect[this.randSel][3]); this.payLoud = payoutSelect[this.randSel][0]; this.multiplier = payoutSelect[this.randSel][1]; this.numLosin = payoutSelect[this.randSel][2]; this.baseBet = getStartBet(originalbalance, this.multiplier, this.numLosin, this.payLoud); } if(levelRes == 2){ this.actResetSeed = true; this.stopped = false; this.tostopped = false; this.betNum = 0; this.loseStop = 0; loseInfo = []; this.resetSeed = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#resetSeed').value); this.stopWin = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#stoppinwin').value); runningbalance = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#betamount').value); originalbalance = runningbalance; this.payLoud = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#payoutR').value); this.multiplier = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#multiplier').value); this.numLosin = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value); this.baseBet = getStartBet(originalbalance, this.multiplier, this.numLosin, this.payLoud); if(this.baseBet == "low"){ console.log('Sorry bet seems too low...'); this.stop(); } else if(this.baseBet == "multi"){ console.log('Sorry multiplier seems too low'); this.stop(); } } if(levelRes >= 1){ maxLose = -this.baseBet; this.loseCount = 1; this.currentBet = this.baseBet; lbg.payout = this.payLoud; } } //game win or lose option this.resolveBet = (betlog) => { this.betNum += (1); runningbalance += betlog.profitAmount; this.logInfo("numbets","val"); this.servNonce = betlog.nonce; this.gamePayout = (betlog.gameValue/100); if(infoToShow != 1){ checkPayout(this.gamePayout,logPayout);} if(maxPayout[0] <= this.gamePayout){ maxPayout=[this.gamePayout,this.servNonce,this.betNum];} if(this.gamePayout >= 120 && checkHunFound == false){ checkHunAfter.push("\nN: "+checkHunAfter[0]+" Ne: "+this.servNonce+" Val: "+this.gamePayout+" ID: "+myNextId); checkHunFound = true;} if((this.servNonce-10) == this.resetSeed){ getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); } // if win if (betlog.winAmount > 0) { if(this.servNonce >= this.resetSeed){ this.actResetSeed = true;} loseInfo.push([this.loseCount,Math.abs(maxLose),this.currentBet,lbg.payout,this.gamePayout]); if(this.tostopped == true){ this.logInfo("bigwins","val"); } else { this.logInfo("wins","val"); } this.resetSet(1); // if lose } else { lbg.payout = this.payLoud; this.currentBet = this.currentBet * this.multiplier; this.loseCount += (1); maxLose += -this.currentBet; if(Math.abs(maxLose) >= originalbalance){ this.logInfo("lose","val"); } } if (this.actResetSeed == true && resetActive == 1) { if(this.servNonce >= 10){ DoSeedChange(myNextSeed, "Limbo", myNextId); getSeed(1).then((resu) => { myCurrentSeed = resu;}); sleep(1000); } else { checkHunAfter[0] += (1); checkHunFound = false; this.actResetSeed = false; getSeed(2).then((resu) => { myNextSeed = resu;}); getSeed(3).then((resu) => { myNextId = resu;}); } } } this.cplay = () => { if(!this.stopped){ .then(() => { this.cplay();}) .catch((errorBet) => { if(errorBet == "Error: Amount invalid"){console.log("WOWOWOW way too lowww");this.stop();} else if(errorBet == "Error: system_error"){console.log("Low option, maybe to low amount or multiplier");this.stop();} else{console.log("Betting ERROR :\n"+errorBet+"\nWill try to continue....");} this.cplay(); }); } } this.start = () => { console.log('Getting BaseBet...'); this.resetSet(2); console.log('Bet starting....'); = 'none'; = ''; = ''; if(testingMode == 1){ var vTestInfo = 'Settings Value('+this.multiplier+'x) '+this.payLoud+'('+this.numLosin+'):'+this.baseBet+'\n'; for (let j = 0; j < (payoutSelect.length); j++) { vTestInfo += 'Value for '+payoutSelect[j][0]+':'+getStartBet(originalbalance, payoutSelect[j][1], payoutSelect[j][2], payoutSelect[j][0])+'\n'; } console.log(vTestInfo); this.stop(); } else { setTimeout(this.cplay(),2000); } } this.stop = () => { = ''; = 'none'; = 'none'; this.stopped = true; } this.nextstop = () => { = 'none'; this.tostopped = true } //info print func this.logInfo = (style,val) => { var netNumber = runningbalance - originalbalance; var netPecentage = (netNumber / originalbalance) * 100; if(netPecentage >= this.stopWin){ style="bigwins";} var loseInfo_s = sortByColumn(loseInfo, 0); var sortCount = loseInfo_s.length-1; if(style == 'numbets'){ if(infoToShow >= 2){ if((this.betNum % 10 == 0 && infoToShow == 2) || this.betNum == 1){ console.log('Bet#'+this.betNum+'/'+this.loseCount+': '+clean_output(this.currentBet,3)+" * "+clean_output(lbg.payout),3); } else if(infoToShow == 3){ console.log('Bet#'+this.betNum+'/'+this.loseCount+': '+clean_output(this.currentBet,3)+" * "+clean_output(lbg.payout,3)+' ('+clean_output(Math.abs(maxLose),3)+') - '+this.gamePayout); } } } else { var consoleText = '---Win '+loseInfo.length+' After '+this.betNum+' Bets Info---\n'; if(infoToShow >= 1){ consoleText += 'BaseBet: ' +clean_output(this.baseBet,3)+ ' InPlay: '+originalbalance+'\n'; consoleText += 'Profit: '+clean_output(netPecentage,3)+'% - '+clean_output(netNumber,3)+ '\n'; } if(infoToShow >= 2){ consoleText += 'Last Losing Streak: ' + this.loseCount + ' Cost: '+ clean_output(Math.abs(maxLose),3) +'\n' ; consoleText += 'Highest Losing Streak: ' + clean_output(loseInfo[getMax(loseInfo,0,"max")][0],3) + ' Cost: '+ clean_output(loseInfo[getMax(loseInfo,4,"max")][1],3) +'\n'; } if(infoToShow >= 3){ var numTimeInf = 10; if(loseInfo_s.length >= numTimeInf){ var tmpCount = numTimeInf;} else { var tmpCount = loseInfo_s.length;} var consoleTextMore = '--- '+tmpCount+' Biggest Streak ---\n'; for (var i = 0; i < tmpCount; i++) { consoleTextMore += '#'+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][0],3)+': '+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][1],3)+' = '+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][2],3)+'x'+ clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][3],3)+'('+clean_output(loseInfo_s[sortCount-i][4],3)+')\n'; } consoleText += consoleTextMore; if(loseInfo.length >= 100) { consoleText += averageLose(loseInfo,"Lose Streaks");} else { consoleText += '---More Info After 100('+loseInfo.length+')wins---\n';} if(this.betNum >= 5000) { consoleText += infoPayout(logPayout,"Payouts Info");} else { consoleText += '---More Info After More Bets('+this.betNum+')---\n';} consoleText += "\nCheck 120("+(checkHunAfter.length-1)+"):"+checkHunAfter[0]+"("+this.servNonce+")"; consoleText += "\nmaxPayout:"+maxPayout+" "; } if(style=='bigwins'){ consoleText += "\nCheck:"+checkHunAfter; console.log(consoleText+'\nWining so it stoped'); this.stop(); } else if(style == 'lose'){ console.log(consoleText+'\nBig LOSE so it stoped'); this.stop(); } else { console.log(consoleText);} } } //layout(<div> replacement) part const htmlToElement = function (html) { let template = document.createElement('template'); html = html.trim(); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; } //layout remove part document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > button > div.label').innerHTML='Script'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > .game-coininput').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 >').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div >').style.display='none'; //layout add part this.prevOpt = (view) => { if(document.getElementById('prevHoldR').style.display == "none"){ = '';} else{ = 'none';} } var TxtHold = 'height: 80%; width: 23.75rem; position: absolute; background-color: #131416; padding-left: 10px; overflow-y: scroll;'; var TxtHold2 = '<div class="line" style="margin: 1rem .75rem 0;color: var(--primary-color);">More Options</div><div class="wrappin" style="width:95%;">'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Stop on Win %</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="15" id="stoppinwin"></div></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">When to reset seed</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="2000" id="resetSeed">'+ '<div class="button-group"><button onclick="resetOnOff(0);" id="resetSeedON" style="background:#5b6787;">ON</button><button onclick="resetOnOff(1);" id="resetSeedOFF">OFF</button></div></div></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="input-label" style="margin-top:15px;margin-left:15px;">Info Select</div><div class="button-group">'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(1);" id="info1" style="background:#5b6787;">Min</button>'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(2);" id="info2">Norm</button>'+ '<button onclick="infoFunc(3);" id="info3">All</button></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<div class="input-label" style="margin-top:15px;margin-left:15px;">Test Mode</div><div class="button-group">'+ '<button onclick="testingOnOff(0);" id="testingON">ON</button>'+ '<button onclick="testingOnOff(1);" id="testingOFF" style="background:#5b6787;">OFF</button></div>'; TxtHold2 += '<br></div>'; this.previwPage = htmlToElement('<div class="preview-inner-wrap" style="'+TxtHold+'" id="prevHoldR">'+TxtHold2+'</div>'); var chPlayInButtons = ''; chPlayInButtons += '<div class="button-group">'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(0);">ALL</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(2);">1/2</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '<button onclick="changeInPlay(3);">1/3</button>'; chPlayInButtons += '</div>'; var defaultButtons = ''; defaultButtons += '<div class="button-group">'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(1);">1</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(2);">2</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(3);">3</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(4);">4</button>'; defaultButtons += '<button onclick="setdefaultV(5);">5</button>'; defaultButtons += '</div>'; this.tmpCal = ss.wallet.dict[ss.wallet.current].amount; this.justLine1 = htmlToElement('<div class="line" style="margin: 1rem .75rem 0;color: var(--primary-color);">Auto Settings</div>'); this.funding = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">In Play</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="'+this.tmpCal+'" id="betamount">'+chPlayInButtons+'</div></div>'); this.multiDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Multiplier</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="1.009" id="multiplier"></div></div>'); this.payoutDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label"><div class="label">Payout</div><div class="label-amount">Defaults</div></div>'+ '<div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="120" id="payoutR">'+defaultButtons+'</div></div>'); this.numloseDiv = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Numbers of Lose</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="1400" id="losingnumb"></div></div>'); this.startButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic start-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Start Auto</div></button>'); this.stopButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic2 stop-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Stop Auto</div></button>'); this.stopNext = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic stop-next" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Stop Next Win</div></button>'); this.moreOpt = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-normal more-opt" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">More Options</div></button>'); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; //document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.justLine1); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.funding); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.payoutDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.multiDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.numloseDiv); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.moreOpt); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.startButton); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.stopButton); document.querySelector('#Limbo-control-0 > > div').appendChild(this.stopNext); document.querySelector('').appendChild(this.previwPage); this.startButton.onclick = this.start; this.stopButton.onclick = this.stop; this.stopNext.onclick = this.nextstop; this.moreOpt.onclick = this.prevOpt; //function to seed reset async function getSeed(val1) { var nextSeedResult = await fetch("", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": null, "method": "GET", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); var currentSeed =; var nextSeedId =; if(val1 == 1){ return currentSeed.clientSeed; } else if(val1 == 2){ return nextSeedId.clientSeed; } else if(val1 == 3){ return nextSeedId.seedId; } else { await DoSeedChange(nextSeedId.clientSeed, "Limbo", nextSeedId.seedId); } } async function DoSeedChange(clientseed, gameName, nextSeedId) { fetch("", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "content-type": "application/json", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": "{\"clientSeed\":\""+ clientseed +"\",\"gameName\":\""+ gameName +"\",\"nextSeedId\":" + nextSeedId + "}", "method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); console.log('Reseting Seed...'); } } function infoFunc(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#info1'; var tmp2 = '#info2'; var tmp3 = '#info3'; infoToShow = 1; } else if(check == 2) { var tmp = '#info2'; var tmp2 = '#info1'; var tmp3 = '#info3'; infoToShow = 2; } else { var tmp = '#info3'; var tmp2 = '#info2'; var tmp3 = '#info1'; infoToShow = 3; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp3).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" } function testingOnOff(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#testingON'; var tmp2 = '#testingOFF'; testingMode = 0; } else { var tmp = '#testingOFF'; var tmp2 = '#testingON'; testingMode = 1; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" } function resetOnOff(check){ if(check == 1){//click off var tmp = '#resetSeedON'; var tmp2 = '#resetSeedOFF'; resetActive = 0; } else { var tmp = '#resetSeedOFF'; var tmp2 = '#resetSeedON'; resetActive = 1; } document.querySelector(tmp).style.backgroundColor = "#31343c" document.querySelector(tmp2).style.backgroundColor = "#5b6787" } function changeInPlay(set){ var val = 0; if(set == 0){ val = ss.wallet.dict[ss.wallet.current].amount; } else if(set == 2){ val = clean_output(document.querySelector('#betamount').value/2,6); } else if(set == 3){ val = clean_output(document.querySelector('#betamount').value/3,6); } document.querySelector('#betamount').value = val; } function setdefaultV(set){ if(set == 1){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 2; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 2.2; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 23; } else if(set == 2){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 3; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.6; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 35; } else if(set == 3){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 5; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.25; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 60; } else if(set == 4){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 10; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.125; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 140; } else if(set == 5){ document.querySelector('#payoutR').value = 120; document.querySelector('#multiplier').value = 1.009; document.querySelector('#losingnumb').value = 1400; } } function clean_output(val,val2){ var tmp = (precision) => (nbr, _, __, powerOf10) => nbr === 0 ? 0 : ( powerOf10 = 10 ** (precision - Math .ceil (Math .log10 (Math .abs (nbr)))), Math .round (nbr * powerOf10) / powerOf10 ) var tmp2 = tmp(val2); return tmp2(val); } function rand( min, max, check){ if(isNaN(check)){ var txt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } else { do{ var txt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }while(txt==check) } return txt } function checkPayout(val1,val2){ for (var i = 0; i < val2.length; i++) { if(val1 >= val2[i][0]) { if(val2[i][1] >= val2[i][2]) { val2[i][2]=val2[i][1];} val2[i][1] = 0; } else { val2[i][1] += 1;} } } function getMax(val,val2,MinMax){ var sum = []; for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { sum.push(val[i][val2]); } if(MinMax == "max"){ var index = sum.indexOf(Math.max(...sum)); } else { var min = Math.min(...sum); var index = sum.indexOf(min); } return index; } function sortByColumn(a, colIndex){ a.sort(sortFunction); function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a[colIndex] === b[colIndex]) { return 0; } else { return (a[colIndex] < b[colIndex]) ? -1 : 1; } } return a; } function getCount(vArray,vArraySlot,vLow,vHigh,vStyle){ var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vArray.length; i++) { if(vStyle == "inbetween"){//check inbetween if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] >= vLow && vArray[i][vArraySlot] <= vHigh){ sum += 1;} } else if(vStyle == "higher") {//check all higher then low if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] >= vLow){ sum += 1;} } else if(vStyle == "lower") {//check all lower then high if(vArray[i][vArraySlot] <= vHigh){ sum += 1;} } } return sum; } function infoPayout(vArray,vTxt){ var tmpTxt = "--- "+vTxt+" ---\n"; for (var i = 0; i < vArray.length; i++) { tmpTxt += vArray[i][0]+':'+(vArray[i][2]+1)+' '; if(i % 6 == 0 && i != 0){ tmpTxt += "\n";} } tmpTxt += '\n'; return tmpTxt; } function averageLose(vArray,vTxt){ var min = vArray[getMax(vArray,0,"min")][0]; var max = vArray[getMax(vArray,0,"max")][0]; var numWin = vArray.lenght+1; var baseVal = max-min; var set1 = Math.floor(baseVal-(baseVal*(1-(5/100)))); var set2 = Math.floor(baseVal-(baseVal*(1-(10/100)))); var middel = Math.floor((min+max)/2); var set3 = numWin-(numWin*(1-(15/100))); var base1 = max; do{ base1 = base1-set2; var tmp = getCount(vArray,0,base1,max,"inbetween"); }while(tmp >= set3) var base2 = min; do{ base2 = base2+set2; var tmp = getCount(vArray,0,min,base2,"inbetween"); }while(tmp >= set3) var txtOut = "--- "+vTxt+" ---\n"; txtOut += "base1: "+base1+' base2: '+base2+"\n"; txtOut += base2+'-'+base1+':'+getCount(vArray,0,base2,base1,"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "middel: "+middel+"\n"; txtOut += min+'-'+max+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,max,"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "Min-Mid "+min+'-'+middel+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,middel,"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += "Min-Mid+15% "+min+'-'+Number(middel+(set2+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(middel+(set2+set1)),"inbetween")+"\n"; txtOut += "Min-Max-15% "+min+'-'+Number(max-(set2+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(max-(set2+set1)),"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += "Min-Max-25% "+min+'-'+Number(max-((set2*2)+set1))+':'+getCount(vArray,0,min,Number(max-((set2*2)+set1)),"inbetween")+" \n"; txtOut += '+'+middel+':' +getCount(vArray,0,middel,0,"higher")+' '; txtOut += '-'+middel+':' +getCount(vArray,0,0,middel,"lower")+' '; txtOut += '-100:' +getCount(vArray,0,0,100,"lower")+'\n'; return txtOut; } function sleep(milliseconds) { const date =; let currentDate = null; do { currentDate =; } while (currentDate - date < milliseconds); } function getStartBet(vInPlay, vMulti, vLoses, vPayout){ var bet; var baseBet; var moneyPit; var DiffTest; var countX = 0; do { if (countX == 0) { bet = vInPlay * (0.00644/10000); baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; DiffTest = 2; } else { var tmpHold = (Math.abs(moneyPit-vInPlay)/moneyPit)*100; if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ var tmpRan = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((50+countX) - 25 + 1) + 25); tmpRan = countX%25; if(tmpHold >= 0.1){ bet = baseBet*(1-(tmpHold/100));} else { bet = baseBet*(1-(tmpRan/100));} baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; } else { if(tmpHold >= 0.1){ bet = baseBet*(1+((tmpHold/1.5)/100));} else { bet = baseBet*1.2;} baseBet = bet; moneyPit = 0 + bet; } } for (let j = 0; j < (vLoses-1); j++) { bet = bet * vMulti; moneyPit = moneyPit + bet; } if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ DiffTest=2;} else{ DiffTest = ((Math.abs(moneyPit-vInPlay))/((moneyPit+vInPlay)/2))*100;} countX++; if(vInPlay >= 10){ tmpRan = vInPlay/10;} else { tmpRan = vInPlay*10} } while ((DiffTest >= (1/(tmpRan)))&&(countX<=100)); do { if (isNaN(baseBet)) { return baseBet="bad_values"; } else { if(baseBet.toFixed(6) <= 0.0000001){ return baseBet="low";} bet = Number(baseBet.toFixed(8)); moneyPit = 0 + bet; for (let j = 0; j < (vLoses-1); j++) { var isLosin = (bet*vPayout)-(moneyPit); bet = bet * vMulti; moneyPit = moneyPit + bet; if(isLosin <= 0){ return baseBet="multi-low";} if(isLosin >= vInPlay){ return baseBet="multi-high";} } if(moneyPit >= vInPlay){ baseBet=Number(baseBet.toFixed(8))-0.00000001;} } } while (moneyPit >= vInPlay); baseBet = Number(baseBet.toFixed(8)); if(baseBet.toFixed(6) <= 0.0000001){ return baseBet="low";} return baseBet; } const cdauto = new CDAuto(); I'm not a scripter... just for fun. So there is probably some changes to be made.... thus the share There are some 'default values' but not really the best values... should be safe... some multiplier or max lose can be changed for default values..... like i say work in progress Still working on the 'averageLose' function and the log info and lil this and that.... but the main part seem ok(calc baseBet). Again this is in work... and please play safe Any feedback is welcome.... have fun ps: for those none scripters... just load limbo(base page with 'Manual' options) -> F12(should pop the console) -> past code and bam good2go Expand verbor gen: Sorry friends, can this script be fixed?? var config = { baseBet: { label: "base bet", value:currency.minAmount, type: "number" }, basepayout: { label: "base payout", value: 2, type: "number" }, NewPayout: { label: "new payout", value: 1, type:"number" }, stop: { label: "stop if bet >", value: 1e8, type: "number" }, balanceRisk: { label: "balance risk %", value: 100, type:"number" }, targetProfit: {label: "Target-Profit-Stop", value: 1000, type: "number"}, targetBalance: {label: "Target-Balance-Stop", value: 1000, type: "number"}, onLoseTitle: {label: "On Lose", type: "title" }, onLoss: { labels: "", value: "reset", type:"radio", options: [ { value: "reset", label: "Return to base bet" }, { value: "increase", label: "lncrease bet by (loss multiplier)" }, ], }, lossMultiplier: { label: "loss multiplier", value: 2, type: "number" }, onWinTitle: { label: "On Win", type: "title" }, onWin: { labels: "", value: "reset", type: "radio", options: [ { value: "reset", label: "Return to base bet" }, { value: "increase", label: "increase bet by (winmultiplier)" }, ], }, winMultiplier: { label: "win multiplier", value: 2, type:"number" }, }; var run = false; //var bet = currency.amount/config.divider.value; var bet = config.basePayout.value; var basebet = bet; var startTime = new Date(); var timestring = ""; var roundWins = 0; var roundLosses = 0; var chance = config.NewPayout.value; var currentProfitt = 0; var currentProfittt = 0; var curProf = 0; var profitTotal = 0; var balance = currency.amount; var lastbalance = balance; function main(){ run = true; var currentBet = config.basePayout.value; game.onBet = function() { chance = config.NewPayout.value;, (45/chance).toFixed(4)).then(function (payout) { if (payout > 1) { balance += currentBet*45/chance-currentBet; profitTotal += currentBet*45/chance-currentBet; }else { balance -= currentBet; profitTotal -= currentBet; } if(balance >= lastbalance) { last balance = balance; } if (payout > 1) { curProf = currentBet*45/chance-currentBet; roundWins++; if (config.onWin.value === "increase") { currentBet = config.baseBet.value; } else { currentBet *= config.winMultiplier.value; } } log.success("We won, so next bet will be " + currentBet + " " + currency.currencyName); } else { curProf = -currentBet; roundLosses++; if (config.onLoss.value === "increase") { currentBet = config.basePayout.value; } else { currentBet *= config.lossMuliplier.value; currentPayout = config.newPayout.value; } } log.error("We lost, so next bet will be " + currentBet + " " + currency.currencyName); } currentProfitt += curProf; if (currentProfitt >= currentProfittt) { currentProfitt = currentProfitt; currentBet = config.baseBet.value; roundWins = 0; roundLosses = 0; } if (currentBet < config.baseBet.value) { currentBet = config.baseBet.value } var stoplevel = (100-config.balanceRisk.value)*lastbalance/100; if(balance - currentBet < stoplevel) { log.error("Balance Risk " + currentBet + "Stop"); game.stop(); } if (currentBet > config.stop.value) { log.error("Was about to bet " + currentBet + " which triggers the stop"); game.stop(); } if (currentBet > balance) { log.error("Loss " + balance + "which triggers the stop"); game.stop(); } if (profitTotal >= config.targetProfit.value) { log.success('Target Profit ' +(profitTotal).toFixed(8) + ' ' + currency.currencyName); game.stop(); } if (balance >= config.targetBalance.value) { log.success('Target Balance ' + balance + ' ' + currency.currencyName); game.stop(); } }); } } 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Igmss Posted October 12, 2022 Share Posted October 12, 2022 Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of const cdauto <anonymous> debugger eval code:1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skele Posted December 7, 2022 Share Posted December 7, 2022 well you can't redefine a const, so either change your const to a var or figure out why you are trying to reassign to a constant value, which would make it not constant. As for limbo scripts i have written a bunch for a number of games, for just messing around i would suggest the browser plugin code injector it will do the injection for you based on the URL of the page and it allows you to seperate out javascript from css from html. I went the whole wrote a browser plugin route though. its nice because you can do things like generate the bet link to the highest payouts as you encounter them. or write an autovaulting script to vault your coin above a certain amount. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigBadGonaGetcha Posted December 7, 2022 Share Posted December 7, 2022 @Skeleany chance you can share your browser extension and scripts with me? They look great. Love the keno heat map. Great idea! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JankaVo Posted December 9, 2022 Share Posted December 9, 2022 Hi sir @Skele! You can share your scripts with me? Thank sir! I like your scripts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaddax Posted February 5, 2023 Share Posted February 5, 2023 (edited) @Skele, I would kindly request if it would be possible for you to share your browser extension and scripts with me. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Edited February 5, 2023 by Shaddax Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheCal Posted February 9, 2024 Share Posted February 9, 2024 was anybody ever able to make this work?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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