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  1. LOGO 1 The philosophy behind the new BCD logo that I am proposing is as follows: 1. Background The color yellow is often associated with symbols of happiness and cheerfulness, symbolizing a fun and entertaining atmosphere in an online casino game. Therefore, the selection of the color yellow is deemed suitable to represent this. 2. Logo -Serrated wheel: The visual shape of the serrated wheel represents speed in every transaction, similar to the gear wheel in a motor vehicle. -Green color: In many cultures, green is chosen to represent prosperity and financial well-being. The US Dollar is also often associated with the color green. BCD can also be converted into dollars. Therefore, this color element is the most appropriate to represent the logo. -Shape of the letter C : In every logo, there must be a meaning or visual element that is captured by the user and embedded in their minds. In this case, the shape of the letter C in the BCD logo is very iconic and memorable. If it is changed, it will lose the visual meaning that has been captured and will be perceived as a foreign logo. UPDATE LOGO 2 1. The circle symbolizes a complete unity. In this case, it represents a system built by BC as an online casino, with BCD being one of its supporting features. The circle has a free movement and will not stop. In this regard, it signifies that the BC ecosystem (with BCD) is a freedom and it is expected to never stop developing. 2. The color black for the circle represents a premium and elegant color. Many businessmen use the black level as the peak level. Therefore, by using black color, it is expected that BCD will become a product that is at the peak level 3. The three dots within the circle represent the 3 games available on the BC platform; in-house games, slots, and sports. In addition, they symbolize the 3 strengths of cryptocurrencies like BCD which are fast, easy, and cheap
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